Welcome to the site dedicated to providing a comprehensive listing of TI-82/TI-85 Assembly programs that are compatible with a TI-86 using AShell Enhanced v1.3, Rascall v0.9 or Yet Another Shell v0.92. Here you will find listings, screenshots, comments, and links to download assembly programs from CrASH (82), ASH (82), ZShell (85), PhatOS (85), Rigel (85), and Usgard (85) that have been verified to work on your TI-86 with the shell and program only. Your results may differ. You will find the latest Assembly Shell news available nowhere else on the internet. Also, you will find other unique news and information related to TI-86's.
When looking at compatible programs, look for a TI-86 Assembly equivalent of the program prior to searching the listings. Most likely, the 86ASM version works better than 85 or 82 ASM. The only exception (so far) lies with Usgard ZTetris v3.0.
If you have any news-worthy information that have reasonable correlation to this site, send it to news@more486.ticalc.org.
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